Monday - Friday ( 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM )
+255 22 2780023
Mikocheni Industrial Area, Dar es Salaam

Labour Relations & Legal Consultancies

LEGAL SERVICES Employment law is a complex legal area, and companies of all sizes require specialist and practical legal advice and guidance on a wide range of Tanzanian Employment & labour Law issues. ATE, as an employer’s Organisation provide specialists advice on labour related matters, and monitor emerging issues in employment legislation and statue labour […]
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Learning & Development

Our Training Services are Top-Notch At ATE we ensure that members and employers, in general, are empowered with appropriate guidance and tools for bi-partite cooperation with trade unions and employees and also operate in accordance with international best management standards and practices. In a bid to improve the productivity and competitiveness of members, ATE offers […]
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Employer of the Year Awards (EYA)

About EYA Employer of the Year Awards (EYA) is a major activity initiated and carried out annually by the Association of Tanzania Employers since 2005. Its purpose is to uplift human capital and human resources to make them play their lead role in business performance. Through EYA therefore, ATE seeks to promote and sensitize organisations […]
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Research and Policy Advocacy

Representing and protect the interest of employers in Tanzania Gaps in Labour Laws Skills and Development Levy (SDL) Multiplicity of regulatory agencies and regulations Social Security Issues Multiplicity of Taxes and charges Skills Development Minimum Wages Labour Productivity Taxes on Salaries Work/Residents Permits Policy Advocacy achievements Reduction of OSHA Levy from TZS 2,000,000 to TZS […]
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Industrial Relations

Represent and Protect the Interest of Employers. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there […]
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Information Services

We give the best Information Services It is among ATE’s responsibilities to inform members on issues related to employment, labour and HR Management. Information sharing is usually done via different media such as Circulars, monthly e-Magazines, and Emails. We have also designed the new labour laws into pocket size booklets for easy of reference to […]
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Female Future Programme

About Female Future Tanzania The Female Future Programme in Tanzania was introduced in 2015 with the aim of strengthening gender equality in the workplace, improving women’s representation in management decision-making processes as well as drawing women to the top positions of the private and public sectors as part of the efforts to ensure sufficient qualified […]
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