Yesterday, 11th March 2025, the National Business Disabilities Network (NBDN) was launched at Sea Cliff Hotel in Dar es Salaam.
Welcoming guests, ATE CEO, Ms. Suzanne Ndomba-Doran emphasised that more Employers should give persons with disabilities employment and leadership positions at the workplace.
The Chief Guest at the event was the Deputy Minister PMO, Policy, Parliamentary Affairs and Coordination, Hon. Ummy Nderiananga who expressed her delight at the launch of the Network and said the President and parent Ministry sent greetings. The Deputy Minister congratulated ATE and Sightsavers for the initiative and added that the quality of employment for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) also matters.
Other speakers included the Country Director for ILO, Ms. Caroline Khamati Mugalla who thanked ATE and Sightsavers for coordinating the launch and explained that ILO works closely with the government, TUCTA and ATE in improving work conditions at the workplace.
Managing Director of Sightsavers, Mr. Godwin Kabalika said it has been a long journey for the launch of the business network spearheaded by ILO. Mr. Kabalika added that the Network will provide opportunities to share ideas and drive for positive changes as well as talent appreciation and retention.
From TUCTA Mr. Said Wamba said that the Network will help PWDs gain employment and earn income.
The CEO of SHIVYAWATA Mr Jonas Lubago remarked that there is still a huge challenge to getting more PWDs employed and that there’s a need for monitoring Employers to encourage them to employ PWDs and called for an annual audit to be compiled. On their part, the Association has started training for PWDs with soft skills to ease into the workplace culture.
The ATE Board Vice Chairperson Ms. Emelda Lutebinga expressed her appreciation of being part of the launch and thanked Sightsavers for cooperating with ATE. She asked the private sector to take on the challenge of offering more opportunities for PWDs. The Vice Chairperson revealed that her security firm deploys PWDs.
The launch of the Network was accompanied by the signing of a charter by committed companies and organisations demonstrating preparedness.
Concluding the event ATE CEO said that the Network is private sector led and it will work closely with experts to accomplish this.