- The Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) participated in the 5th Forum of Ministers responsible for Labour and Employment in the EAC that was held on the 29th of October 2021. ATE Executive Director & CEO, Ndomba-Doran who is also the Secretary General of the East Africa Employers Organisation (EAEO) attended the meeting. The EAC Ministers responsible for Labour and Employment gave their remarks which emphasized on continued cooperation and expressed the commitment of their governments towards implementation of the EAC Treaty and the EAC Common Market Protocol notably the provisions related to free movement of workers and services in the regional bloc. Giving his remarks Hon. Patrobas Paschal Katambi (MP), Deputy Minister PMO’s responsible for Labour, Youth & Employment, reminded the Council of Ministers on the importance of Countries Social Partners making reference to the Treaty for Establishment of the EAC, Article 104 (4). Key issues and decisions made during the meeting by the Ministers responsible for Labour & Employment.
- Consideration of the status of implementation of recommendations of the previous meetings of Forum of Ministers responsible for Labour and Employment.
- Directed the EAC Secretariat to expedite the finalization of the draft Council Directive on coordination of Social Security Benefits by 30th March 2022.
- Recommended to the Council of Ministers to establish the Sectoral Council of Ministers responsible for Labour, Employment and Migration.
- Recommended to the Council of Ministers to direct partner states to implement the recommendations of the EAC Common Market Scorecard (CMS) 2018.
- Considered the progress made on the development of the Draft EAC Labour Migration Policy and directed the EAC Secretariat to mobilize resources for implementation of the Labour Migration Policy.
- Took note of the ILO Convention No 190 on Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 and urged Partner States to consider ratification of the Convention.
- Took note of the signed MoU between EAC and ILO, directed the EAC Secretariat to implement the MoU and urged he ILO to consider supporting the EAC Secretariat -Department of Labour with technical personnel.